How can I be tax exempted and/or receive a sales tax reimbursement in Canada?

If you are a tax-registered customer from Canada, you can enter your PST and/or GST/HST number in the shopping cart to be exempted from tax. Please opt-in the option “add business information” and add your company details as well as your registration number. You will need to provide us with the following:

British Columbia

  • Valid PST number
  • Valid GST number



  • Valid QST number
  • Valid GST number



  • Valid PST number​
  • Valid GST number


Other Canadian Provinces

  • Valid GST/HST number

Please note that you could be registered also for only one of the above taxes. You will be then exempted for only the tax for which you are registered.

If you are from British Columbia and have no valid PST number but a completed and signed Certificate of Exemption General, please contact our customer support team here after your purchase to obtain a tax reimbursement.

Should you have already placed your order you can contact our customer support team here to get a tax reimbursement. In this case we just need the information mentioned above.

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